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Don't you wish you could read your teen's mind? 

Times are just so different from when we grew up. Adolescence is an incredibly difficult time today. So much pressure,  access to information and standards that no one can really live up to, not even us adults. And they feel so much...and yet it's can be really difficult to articulate exactly what is going on for them.  The teen years are a time of seeking, learning, experimenting, and growth. In order to reach his/her highest potential, there are certain things your teen needs from you but doesn’t know how to ask.

Parenting an adolescent can be challenging on many levels. From greater independence and expectations to changing brains, hormones and moods, it can be tough to navigate for you and them.  


There is hope though.

The last decade has brought so much research and understanding about adolescent needs, and there are some amazing parent and teen coaches that are leading the way in sharing this invaluable information. 

Leslie Josel-Principal is just one of those amazing teachers, speakers and coaches who is helping hundreds of parents really understand what their teen needs. 

In this workshop, you will learn core teen-needs and parenting strategies to meet those needs.  You will walk away with new insight, language, and parenting tools that will enhance your connection with your teen and strengthen his/her toolbox of essential life skills.

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We can’t do this alone. I know many of you have tried. 

The high school counselors are focused on the teen and their education, but what about your experience? 

As parents, we need support as much as our teens do during this journey.  We need our peers and we also need the pros. Other parents who are in it with us, and those who have been there, done that.  You don’t have to have all of the answers, and we will be there as you and your family find their way.

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Leslie Josel, an award-winning ADHD-academic, parenting coach, and founder of Order Out of Chaos® – whose mission is to help parents guide their students to success in learning and in life - when her son was first diagnosed with ADHD.

She is the creator of the award-winning Academic Planner: A Tool for Time Management®, a planner that helps students develop time management skills, and the award-winning author of 3 books including, “How to Do it Now Because it’s Not Going Away: An Expert Guide to Getting Stuff Done.” 

   The Overwhelmed Teen: Tips for Parenting a Teen with Big Emotions

Helping an overwhelmed teen can be, well overwhelming. Especially for parents. You may feel frustrated by your teen’s inconsistent mood swings or temper tantrums. Or concerned that one minute your teen feels calm and happy, and the next overloaded and withdrawn. When teens are overwhelmed, they may become explosive, or defiant. Some might complain they don’t feel well or struggle in school. All these behaviors are signs that your teen is overwhelmed by their feelings.

In this presentation, award-winning, ADHD student and parenting coach, Leslie Josel will dive deep into the reasons behind your teen’s overwhelm or what she calls the “too” syndrome. When everything is just too big, too hard, too loud, too vague, or just too much. She’ll cover topics such as lying, decision fatigue, “stuckness" and cognitive overload. Leslie will offer up strategies as well as parent-led language for you to use to help your teen regulate their emotions and behaviors.. as well as yours! She’ll teach you the exact cutting-edge practices she has taught her parent-coaching clients for the past two decades, so you have the necessary techniques to manage your teen’s overwhelm.

You can learn more about Leslie on her website: 

Follow her on: 
Instagram @order.out.of.chaos
Youtube @orderoochaos
Facebook @orderoutofchaos 
LinkedIn Leslie Josel


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